Ready to supercharge your cellular engines? Unearth the benefits of Grounding! Let’s chat about nicotinamide riboside (NR), a star ingredient in HOP Box that’s turning heads in the longevity and wellness communities!   What’s NR all about? NR is a form of vitamin B3 that plays a pivotal role in boosting NAD+ levels in your […]


Touch Grass… Unearth the benefits of Grounding! Have you ever felt a surge of vitality when walking barefoot on a beach or grass? There’s more to that feeling than just nostalgia for simpler childhood days. It’s called grounding or earthing, and it might just be the easiest health hack you’ve yet to try!   What’s […]

Reputable Sleep Study

Have you ever wondered if your supplements are truly working for you? We do, too! Exciting News  We teamed up with the Reputable Health app to run a study on how HOP Box improves sleep.   Here’s the scoop Who? Ten volunteers armed with Oura rings. What? A month-long, HOP Box trial, with results monitored […]

Ovary Health

If you could slow the aging of just one part of your body, what would it be? If you are a woman and you said, “My ovaries,” then we’re right there with you! Why? The ovaries age 2-5 times faster than other organs, and when they age out and stop working, it kicks off the […]

Young Blood

Ever felt like you just needed a fresh start? Well, what if your blood did, too?  Let’s dive into the world of “vampire” science (minus the fangs and capes) and explore how swapping old blood for new is not just for Gothic novels anymore. This idea got a turbo boost from parabiosis studies in mice […]

Metformin vs Berberine

If you follow longevity news, you’ve likely heard the hullaballoo around the prescription drug Metformin.  Some people, such as researchers David Sinclair and Nir Barzilai, believe that Metformin may have the ability to increase health span or even lifespan.  Metformin: A Longevity Marvel? ⁉️ A medication traditionally used to manage Type 2 Diabetes, Metformin has […]

Taurine: Elixer of Life or Just Hype?  

At HOP, we spend a lot of our time looking at nutritional ingredients to see which ones deserve to jump into future HOP Boxes (see what we did there?)  🐰 And, like you, we’ve been seeing tons of buzz lately about the amino acid taurine.   At HOP, we spend a lot of our time looking […]

Stop blue light from aging your skin

Did you know that too much exposure to artificial blue light from devices and screens may be aging your skin faster?   💡 Blue Light and Skin Aging: Unveiling the Connection 💡  Blue light, a high-energy visible light, is emitted by electronic devices, LED lights, and the sun. Emerging evidence suggests that prolonged and excessive exposure […]

Intermittent fasting: Is it just a crazy fad?

Intermittent fasting (IF) has gotten a lot of press lately.  But Does not eating really improve health? And, if so, what’s the best way to incorporate fasting into your lifestyle?  Intermittent fasting is not a diet but rather an eating pattern that you can adopt to cycle between periods of fasting and eating.  There are […]

Hormesis for longevity?

You’ve heard the expression, “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,” but is that true?  Sometimes it is!  Today, we’ll explore the fascinating concept of hormesis and how embracing small stressors can promote longevity.  What is Hormesis? Hormesis, pronounced “hor-MEE-sis,” refers to the beneficial response of your body to low-intensity stressors.  Exposure to manageable challenges (exercise, […]